Regardless of how I fare on this exam, this week will be Hellish. I have Search midterm tomorrow, monologue performance (where I have to channel a Marilyn Monroe-obsessed, sex-goddess wannabe from the late 60's) and piano master class Tuesday, and English paper and Theory test on Friday. Thankfully, the stress-level of each task gets progressively less excessive as the week goes on. However, it's going to be a doozy.

My mother is delightfully quirky. My love for music (at least in one capacity) stemmed from her. She loves musical theatre, classical music, hymns, and standards (all of which I love.) Though she claims she has little musical talent, this is not the case. She sightreads and harmonizes better than anyone I know and enjoys singing in the car a bit too much. She thoroughly enjoys singing in the car, making turkey dip, and doing high kicks (which, if she reads this, she might kill me for saying.) All kidding aside, she's a pretty wonderful person. I don't really know what led me to discuss this with you, but I suppose I might miss the fam. She cares about her students (she's a teacher) greatly--almost to the point of creepiness (yes, everyone, teachers DO stalk kids' blogs and facebooks, so beware) and my sister occasionally (okay, maybe more than occasionally) gets frustrated with having her mother teach at her high school, but all this seeming "overprotective-ness" and involvement is out of love and a genuine compassion for her students and her daughters. The reasons I respect her are numerous and I won't go into them all here, but if anything I say on here is remotely eloquent, it's because she taught me how to write. If anything on her makes you think I have something positive in my character, it's because she raised me well. That may be completely un-arts related, but I sort of felt it necessary to give credit to her on here. She's a pretty great person and I hope you have the pleasure of knowing her.
My sister is a total goof. She's even quirkier than my mother, possibly more theatre-obsessed than I am, and enjoys redecorating various parts of the house that are no longer inhabited by yours truly. She has possibly the brightest and friendliest smile you've ever seen (one that looks particularly fantastic onstage) and similarly seems as though she popped out of a Disney film. She's infallibly loyal and cares sincerely about her friends. She also has great capacity for having faith in people--something I lack and something I admire in her. She, like my mother, enjoys singing in the car, and though my mother has sad hopes of us becoming a small version of the Von Trapps, this will never happen. We're all practically tenors do I put this nicely?...none of us will ever become Barbra Streisand or Julie Andrews--try though we may.

Bayla is insane. I remember meeting her when she visited in 8th grade, and I thought she was the most arrogant brat I'd ever met. She said she was a dancer (and she carried herself like one) and someone asked if she was good. She replied, "yes." I had never heard someone receive a compliment like that. I was totally taken aback. Little did I know that this was merely an indicator of gumption rather than arrogance. Bayla has obscenely curly red hair, friendly dimples, and the prettiest smile you've ever seen. She likes to think she's a hippie (which, Bayla if you ever read this, don't let it dissuade you) and she'd like to marry James Taylor. She's a modern dancer; She's the kind of dancer you can't take your eyes off of when she's onstage. There's something beyond her movement that is so captivating--it's her energy, spirit, and genuine love of being on stage, performing, and dance. Beyond this, she gives the warmest hugs, best advice, greatest reason for a laugh, and great friendship.

(Allie, Me, Bayla at Hockaday Graduation 2007)
(Do I sound like a Hallmark card, yet?)
My aunts, cousins, uncles, and grandparents all have their delightful traits. There are two Susans--Susan Rogers is possibly the most content person I've ever known. I've never seen her unhappy and she has a genuine desire to be involved (in a positive way) in everyone's lives--because she cares. Susan Gharis (aka "Luscious Lips, don't ask...) has the goofiest and most wonderful laugh ever. She's generous to a fault. Bill similarly has a crazy, nearly maniacal giggle that's infectious and an interesting hybrid mix of these two giggles manifested itself in their inquisitive daughter, Caroline. Will is quieter, but he's a wonderfully decent human being who really loves his family and Daniel is basically a Tasmanian devil with a great heart. Dan, Patty, and Christopher and Davis (they're twins!) always make me smile and Rick, John, Rebecca, and Erin are all decidedly good-natured. Kalli and Jake, besides being the absolute cutest children I've ever seen alive, are rarely seen displeased with anything. They're little adults who say the funniest things you've ever heard. Kara, though she is ever-so-slightly OCD (she asks for Christmas lists in August and sends me regular nutritional warnings via email) has a great sense of humor and a wonderful heart. Tim is a total computer nerd who enjoys food fights. He's a real man because he loves Meg Ryan movies (but not half as much as he adores his wife and kids) and essentially my second father. Grandmother is the best cook in the universe (I promise you she will out-bake anyone's pies and out-cook anyone's mashed potatoes and rolls) and a wonderfully generous human being. Christmas at her house is always a treat. Though the Breeds are farther away, they are the Justin, Austin, and Z-man are all growing up to be awesome guys, and Aunt Jan is one of the strongest people I know. Pop has the loudest sneezes and laughs on the planet, says "Hot Dog!" to exclaim extreme happiness, and occasionally seems as though he wandered out of a Western. That said, he is a great man and I respect him so much. Grandmama is my namesake and rolemodel. Anytime I'm struggling in a situation, I try so hard to emulate her.

If you can't tell, I love and miss my family more than anything (and yes, Bayla counts. She even came to Christmas:) They are incredible people and I have no clue what I'd do without them. Even though it's nearly March, I'm having so much trouble adjusting to not seeing my favorite people every weekend. I still get care packages, letters, and calls, but it's not quite the same.
Fortunately, I get to see them all in two weeks (!) and then one whole side of the fam is coming up the week of March 15th (and you can tell by this post--there are a LOT of them) so it should be crazy!
Well this excessively nostalgic post must come to an end so I may resume my Search studies. Wish me luck!
(For giggles and a silly finish, here's some REALLY old nostalgia:)