Not too much has really happened. Laura visited, which was delightful (for the day!) rehearsals have started (it's going to be fun but I can't wait until I don't have to go to Arlington EVERY day) and I saw Damn Yankees at Casa Manana (which was great, but they absolutely without a doubt took QUITE a few "ideas" from Mr. Joseph that's always interesting.) The talent was great, though, and despite my not-overly-enthusiastically sentiments about the show, it was enjoyable.
Mama's party has become my obsession. Unfortunately, now that I have rehearsal, I can barely ever go. I love musical theatre cabaret. Geez louise I'm ridiculous.
I must be sucked into the MT world bigtime--my greatest desire right now is a pair of $200 character shoes and I'm saving money for overpriced headshots. Ha!
Alright, well I'm off but talk to you folks later!