I mentioned in my fist post that CODA meetings have the “uncanny ability to make me feel like I can conquer the world through the arts.” I figured I might expound upon that statement. The CODA program’s aim is to “graduate students with a life-long passion for learning, a compassion for others, and the ability to translate academic study and personal concern into effective leadership and action in their communities and world.” This goal is achieved over four years of undergraduate study. The first and second years learn the basics: skills for the professional arts world. By your third year, you’re in full swing with the CAP project (Senior arts project), and by your fourth, you execute a project outside campus walls in the city of Memphis.
I stumbled upon the CODA program in a funny manner. A representative from Rhodes College visited my school and I attended their info session. I spoke with the rep afterwards and mentioned my interests. Within a matter of seconds, she told me I needed to look into this CODA program. I looked it up online, and despite my intense desire to move hundreds of miles away from home and go to the chilly Northeast in a large university in a large city, I became enamored of this CODA concept. The CODA philosophy is what I have unintentionally preached throughout my middle and high school years. As far as I know, the CODA program is one of a kind. I love the value it brings to Rhodes, but I also believe that this should change. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if CODA-like programs were established in colleges/universities throughout the nation? A small legion of passionate, effervescent students collaborating to promote the arts—it sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?
At any rate, I feel very much at home in our meetings. I’ve only been at Rhodes in the program for a couple of weeks, but we’re already planning out the year. The first and second years have the opportunity to execute a solo on campus project. I had no idea about this and of course when I found out, I was absolutely ecstatic. I can’t believe how much power and freedom we are allowed and how much responsibility is given to us, even as freshmen and sophomores. The two available projects at the moment are Juxtap’art (the arts festival in the Spring based on Wagner’s concept of Gesamtkunstwerk) and taking under my wing the lofty job of compiling an arts calendar to be published at the beginning of next year. Juxtap’art planning will begin in the middle of this term, whereas the Calendar planning will begin at the middle of next term. While both jobs are extremely appealing and involved, Juxtap’art sounds like it would take so much of my time and energy that it would nearly kill me. I love that. This is why, at this point, I’m thinking that Juxtap’art is what I desire to plan.
At my school in Dallas, we participated in a Southwestern Arts festival. This was always the highlight of my year. The opportunity to plan a festival (completely student performed/run, mind you) is absolutely thrilling. Of course, I’m a big dreamer, so I’m probably envisioning something absolutely ridiculous. My philosophy with that is a) it never hurts to dream b) if it’s well organized enough with a group of people who are really invested, something ridiculously cool could happen and c) most likely, my crazy ideas will not come to fruition. However, dreaming big and falling back on a still very cool/well done plan is better than settling.
On a more ridiculous side note, I realized that my door is open to my room so people can hear me verbalizing the thoughts on this post out loud. In my hallway. Yes, I read aloud—it helps me think, even if it makes me feel like a young, less socially active, southern Carrie Bradshaw. Minus the “And then I had to wonder…” statements. Those always bothered me. Also, if you would like to know what music best accompanies a Starbucks peppermint mocha, it’s Joni Mitchell. The old, decrepit, smoker Joni Mitchell from 2000 on, not the young, peppy, warbly Joni Mitchell.
Anyway, as John (the director of the CODA program) was explaining these projects and what they entailed, I began a reverie of my senior project (while still listening to John, of course). I can attempt to decipher my scary scribble (as seen below) from yesterday, I can sort of explain my so-much-larger-than-life-that-even-Tim-Burton-would-fear-them ideas.
Essentially, my over-the-top idea is an enormous two day arts benefit in either mid fall or early spring of my senior year. It could either be at the Orpheum (which is obviously the more expensive route unless they did this out of the goodness of their hearts) or at Dixon Gallery and Gardens. The Gallery and Gardens would really be the coolest venue, I think. That is, unless the first afternoon/evening would be at the Gardens and the second night an assortment of performances at the Orpheum.
Dixon Gallery and Gardens Day 1
Art workshops in the gardens or inside the actual museum
Storytelling/children’s actors in the gardens
Local artists work displayed in the Galleries or even some cool artwork outdoors (is this even a possibility in consideration of preservation of art?)
Dinner/Performances on stage (soloists from Memphis Orchestra? Could we get a dance performance from New Ballet or Ballet Memphis, perhaps?)
Orpheum Performances Evening Day 2
Guest lecturers? Could we bring in people to speak from outside Memphis? Could we even do it in the new playhouse facility? Maybe a lecture about arts districts in civic planning?
Performances from various local theatres, ballets?, symphony?, display art in the lobby?
Sadly, my ideas get even crazier and more absurd, but I’m going to save you the even more ridiculous plans for the moment. If I have any hope of realizing them, I’ll be sure to let you know. The point of this would be to get as many arts enthusiasts/partrons/actual artist together in a two day period to support Memphis arts and the arts in general. The most pressing issue is that we need to raise awareness not only in Memphis but also nationally (and maybe even globally…though I haven’t really researched how arts audiences are abroad…wouldn’t that be an interesting study?) If we brought in performances or lecturers from outside Memphis as well as inside, this could become even larger than a local project. The admission money (tickets for workshops, one day ticket, two day pass…) could go to a specific project within Heart of the Arts. (For more info: www.heartoftheartsmemphis.org)
Clearly, my thoughts are primitive, far reaching, and scattered. That’s why I consider this brainstorming. It never hurts. Organizing juxtap’art could be small model trial run for this concept. I’d also need to think about advertising… Alright, I shall update if I have any further thoughts. Farewell.
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