As many of you know, I am a bit fashion obsessed. This obsession has waned slightly over the last year or so due to a couple of things:
one. Rhodes is basically a J Crew Ad (though, that said, it's a pretty affluent community so it's not like there's a shortage of really nice clothes)
two. I've been a with money issues.
Anyway, summertime is a lovely opportunity to get back in touch with this part of my life (the whole "fashion is art" thing) so while I was waiting for the July issue of VOGUE (which, for some reason, still hasn't arrived..hmm...might have to splurge for a copy) I picked up Teen Vogue. On the cover it mentioned that there was a story about Ali Michael getting kicked off of the runways because people said she was "too fat" in Paris as a size 0-2. While this doesn't surprise me, the article caught my attention. I'm a huge fan of Ali's--I have a really odd obsession with good eyebrows (probably because I have to spend such an extensive amount of time meticulously tending to my own) and hers are amazing. Ali's from Colleyville (and just graduated from Grapevine) and won the Kim Dawson Dallas Fashion Search in '06. Since then, she's done ridiculously well (as many KD models have) but at a ridiculous cost.
Look here:
to watch Ali in an interview.
Note: Anne doesn't let her talk enough, but Ali is remarkably well spoken and eloquent. It's a video worth watching.
On a different note, I've come to a realization (late, but not too late.) As I mentioned earlier, it's transition time. I don't know how this will manifest visibly in my life, but I need to focus these next six weeks on learning as much as I can. I have all the free time in the world and I need to use it wisely. I need to take as many lessons as I can, get the headshots, continue writing, read more, learn how to go about getting an agent, learn how to audition for tours, plan this fall, plan the spring, plan next summer, and determine where I need to be and when I need to be there. If any one has advice in any or all of these areas, I assure you that it's absolutely welcome so send your thoughts my way.
Pray about it!
Keep Charging! You're doing fine. Best, MBG
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