Sunday, December 20, 2009


It was like Rabbit Hole, and I was Izzy.

So post discovering I would not need to be a naked stable girl and the simultaneous closing of Breathe, I felt it was necessary to compensate eating as much Thanksgiving food as possible. I did. And then I had a food baby.

In my nightmare, my food baby was a legitimate baby. And the doctor informed me that I hadn't gotten fat, but that there was a living being in my stomach. (Isn't this awful? It gets worse.)

Nevermind that I didn't even contemplate who the father was (In these dreams, I'm usually just miraculously--POOF--preggers), I was concerned about this baby. And we're in this waiting room that looks like the bathroom lobby area in nicer department stores, and Marianne (who is apparently Nat) hates me. But instead of four year old Danny dying, she couldn't get pregnant (in my dream we're legit sisters.) And she starts calling me a drama queen and tellss me to stop freaking out and I can't.

And then I realize she must be right (because she always is) and I'm like 'yes, it's not a big deal that I am pregnant at 20 and have immaculately conceived' and then I apologize to her. Profusely.

And she sort of forgives me but still has a grudge against me. And then we shop in the mall and walk around outside. The end.

..................WHAT? I am a crazy person. What does this mean?

1 comment:

Marianne said...

It means that shopping solves all problems. I am not always right, but I'm right about that. ;0)