Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today, i feel as though it might be okay.

Grandmama's graveside was today. As she wished, there was a brief service at Restland followed by a family gathering at her house. Strangely, I not only found myself at peace, but in happiness at both. Grandmama greatly disliked people talking about her or complimenting her. Today, we all could do so freely. That was strangely exhilirating and glorious. So, though goodness knows she'd prefer the service not to mention her at all (seriously) we have acquiesced her in a sense; this has become more of a celebration than a mourning.

I have to take a second to discuss my extended family. Grandmama, as supreme matriarch of the family, distilled so much love in each member of the family that we all couldn't help being incredibly close. I truly think my family is an anomaly in current times. How many extended families live in the same country or state--letalone the same metroplex? Furthermore, we gather for every holiday, birthday, set of Olympics, and girls game nights. Haven't had enough yet? Never fear! Head over to the Durbins' fajita friday. Otherwise, random drop-ins are more than welcome. I can't believe how lucky I am to have a family like I have. (Did I mention that this is also true to an extent on my mother's side of the family? Yeah, crazy lucky.)

One of the huge perks of my decision to come back to Dallas for Richland/the theater tryout thing was proximity to family. And considering how little time I had left with Grandmama, I'm believing that conversation at White Rock coffee with Wendy Welch was fate in more ways than one. This is also the reason moving to New York (whenever that happens) will be such a challenge.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the copious amounts of family time (and knowledge of absolutely fascinating family stories) regardless of circumstance.

I'm sure I'll have a post-service post tomorrow. Until then, I hope your Valentine's Day was as full of love as mine was.

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