Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hello all! A very stressed Katharine here.

I hate Sunday evenings. I spend the whole night fretting over Monday/the week. It's kind of exhausting in and of itself!

So what's new?

Still wishing I could go audition for Mamma Mia in a week...but it's really just the six month required audition, so nothing would likely come of it anyway. I'm so ready to graduate, but I'm trying to stay focused on school so that I can GET OUT!

Trying to get abroad. Working on that right now. Also focused on SETC/potential summer work. Lots of stuff going on...but I'm plugging away the best I possibly can. Breathe is still going really, really well and I'm very much in love with the experience. I'm so lucky to spend every weekend onstage. Grateful to the core.

Alright, better get back to homework...but I'm sure I'll be back later this week to get some more shenanigans off my chest!:)

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