Sunday, February 17, 2008

Reverie-Induced Catharsis

It's been a pretty interesting weekend. I've been absurdly happy, ridiculously embarrassed, unabashedly excited, and seriously confused. Currently, Memphis is showcasing the most beautiful weather possible in the south--sunny and windy--and I couldn't be happier. I finally began to catch up on sleep last night after seeing Joshua Bell (!?) at GPAC. Joshua Bell, as Christine aptly put, "made sounds I never thought POSSIBLE from a violin." He was elegant, graceful, and literally danced with the music. While it'd be easy to brush this off as silly and ridiculous and pompous, the music he created while dancing with his violin was such that no one could ever complain! Friday night was the Famous Lovers dance (Johnny and I went as Robbie Hart and Julia Guiglia from The Wedding Singer) and it was a blast. I apparently channeled the 80s a little bit too much into my dance moves, but it was appropriate considering our costumes, so I'm pretty sure I'm safe. (Can I interject right now and say that I have the best radio station on? It's Paolo Nutini's New Shoes Radio and it has been the best mix so far...) As Friday evening progressed, my friend and I got into a ridiculous fight about her lack of recognition of her strengths/her ability to literally always put others before herself. She's kind of like my grandmother in this sense--it's not forced, it's not intentional. She literally is programmed to think of others before herself and always be concerned with other peoples' problems before her own, meanwhile criticizing her own faults (which are few and far between...) Anyway, this somehow caused great strife for me internally and this stress manifested itself in about thirty dreams last night that happened all in a row. One of them was my best friend from high school and I running through a candy emporium, grabbing all the delicious candies humanly possible. This was wonderful, until we ran into a person who wasn't too fond of us from high school and said person ruined our fun. However, we (in my dream)decided it was appropriate since candy is shiny and has a fake sugary coating just like this person. My next dream was a trip to Disney world and all of my friends, teachers, and mentors stood around the Cinderella castle (which I was in) and took turns pointing out every single flaw in my physical appearance, relationships, and personality. It was truly the most horrific nightmare I think I've ever had. It was kind of awful. I woke up after this one (and had a bit of trouble dozing back off) but decided I needed to sleep again so hopefully I could awake after a happier dream. It's pretty windy here, and my window by my bed is open so the sun and wind kept hitting my face. Anyway, this triggered Pocohontas, so Mel Gibson's voice was in my head as I heard "Steady as the Beating Drum" and then "mine, Mine, Mine." These were the three dreams I remember most, but I know there were others. It was kind of crazy, but wonderful I guess. I don't know what to take from them or how to justify that they're artsy, but I thought I should talk about them somewhere, even if it's on my blog.

And for some reason, they didn't put me in a terrible mood. Actually, this catch up on sleep has just made me much, much happier. And now all I want is a banana. So I'm going to go get lunch.

Hope you have a wonderful blustery day.

1 comment:

mbg1 said...

I'm looking forward to seeing how your Oscar predictions fare. My sense is that you are pretty much in touch with the cultural zeitgeist, so you'll get more predictions correct than incorrect.
