Sunday, July 20, 2008

Freezing in White Rock Coffee

Hey kids. I'm currently freezing my buns off in White Rock Coffee. I don't know if it makes me a traitor to go here if I work at Starbucks, but I'm electing to say it doesn't. I'm supposed to be working on my summer courses (Government and Psych--thrilling, right) but I'm distracted by artsy/independent-coffee-shop-loving-boys, the freezing temperature, and my delightful chai tea latte.

I've decided housesitting is my calling. I had the most WONDERFUL experience housesitting for a family throughout last week. You know how I talk about performing allowing you to step into someone else's life for a second? Housesitting is literally like changing your whole lifestyle. This family had a gorgeous nice house in Lakewood, a fish pond, enormous backyard, two adorable cats, and three chickens. Yes, they have chickens. Rosie, Peachy Pie, and Princess. Every morning, I went out to let out the chickens, water all the plants, collect eggs, and feed the cats. In the evening, I locked up, let the cats in, put the chickens in the coop, and made sure everything was straight. It was absolutely delightful. It's interesting--I don't have any desire to be Suzie homemaker EVER but I love occasionally stepping into this quasi-domestic role. This week I'm watering plants for my cousins. Next week, I'm housesitting for two other families (and can't wait!) and I get their dogs, too, which should be fun. These people keep thinking that leaving the dogs with me is some burden. They're ridiculous. Dogs are the loves of my life and it makes the job even more fun.

Starbucks is still going swimmingly and I absolutely adore making drinks. it's ridiculous and probably kind of sad, but so true.

Babysitting continues to have its challenges. I enjoy it for the most part--the flexibility, having someone looking up to me, and a chance to play all the amazing boardgames (pretty pretty princess, anyone?) and watch all the Disney movies I never think I have time to revisit. It's difficult on occasion, though, particularly when you share nothing in common with the child you're sitting. For example, I sit one boy who I think truly hates me. I mean, this kid loathes me. He likes racecars, videogames, baseball, hockey, and cartoon network. I HATE cartoon network. I don't know if my mother programmed this into me or what, but I am a hardcore Disney kid. The cartoons they show on CN are dreadful, stupid, disgusting, and revolting. I know this seems to be kind of harsh for a little TV network, but I really hate it. Another girl I babysit reminds me SO much of how I was when I was her age. Curious, absolutely willing to find any role model possible, music lover, animal lover, intelligent, and very, VERY tricky. She's attempted to pull just about everything possible, but I coyly mentioned the fact that she needn't bother because it was that long ago that I tried those tricks and trust me, I tried every single one in the book. Heck, I wrote the book! Overall, it's fun...There are just trying moments.

What else? I've seen Mamma Mia 3 times. Pretty embarrassing since it came out two days ago. I'm madly obsessed with Light in the Piazza and have made it my life goal to be Clara at some point in life. I fear this will never become a reality. GCT is doing Footloose in the fall and I'm going to audition even though I loathe that musical with every fiber of my being. That's about it!

Signing off--

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