Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Moment of Materialism: iPad? eeePC?

Turns out more people read this thing than I thought!  Thanks for the texts/comments/emails (and even an office meeting) letting me know you read.  I really do appreciate it.

Do any of you kids keep blogs? Let me know and I'll post a link on the side.

In the meantime, I'm contemplating purchasing either an iPad (WHY that name? I still don't understand.) or eeePC.  Any opinions?

1 comment:

Hayley said...

eeePC all the way. i have one, and i love it. i took it to france with me. it's so great to carry around. and it's a COMPUTER. the ipad is just like.. a huge iphone. without a keyboard. and i like having keyboards to type on, idk about you. but i liked it- get one with some power to it, though, bc that's the only downside to it